Tampa Pride Parade

  • Saturday, March 24, 2018
  • 11:00 AM
  • Ybor


  • This registration is a member from another krewe that is associated with InterKrewe Council. Example; FGK, KOS etc.
  • This registration type is for non-krewe member wanting to guest with KOB. You must be sponsored by an Active KOB member. Verification of member will be completed.

If you are in a krewe, please make sure to list your krewe name.
If you are NOT in a krewe, please type your sponsoring KOB member.
Registration is closed

This is Krewe of Brigadoon's 3rd Annual Tampa Pride Parade involvement.   KOB is proud to celebrate equality with the Tampa Bay community.  This is the only parade KOB allows other Krewes that are part of InterKrewe Council to guest on KOB float.  

KOB krewe guests from other krewes that are part of IKC guest fee is $20.00 per person

KOB sponsored non krewe guest is $40.00 per person.

Important:  All guest must complete the waiver, https://signnow.com/s/FL106GAW

There will be a webpage with timeline and details to follow.  Plus a follow up email to all registered guest a week prior to the parade or later depending on communication from parade organizers. 

Costumes:  If you are in a krewe, please follow your krewe's guidelines.  Authorized non krewe guest of Active KOB members will get details of attire options. 

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